Caulfield, Katie Ann


07706 761 872
Web Site:
Not Available
Not Available
Age Groups:
6 months to 4 years
  • £5.50 per hour
Schools Visited:
Not Available
Provider Availability Dates:
Available from 03/11/2017
Daily Session Times:
  • Monday: 07:30 - 17:30
  • Tuesday: 07:30 - 17:30
  • Wednesday: 07:30 - 17:30
  • Thursday: 07:30 - 17:30
Provider Additional Information:
10% discount for siblings
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding:
Not Available
Answered Questions:
  • Are there any reductions: Yes
    • 10% discount for siblings
  • Do you accept childcare vouchers: Yes
  • Packed Lunch Required: Yes
  • How Do You Involve Parents/carers In Identifying SEND: Yes
    • Give parents lots of information about SEND
      Listen to what they are saying, be flexible when agreeing on a strategy.
  • How Do You Identify Special Educational Needs And Disabilities (SEND): Yes
    • Discussions with parents when children start or when its noticed, Observation and assessment to monitor the child.
  • How Will You Help Me To Support My Child's Learning And Development: Yes
    • I will set activities out for them and challenge them to their full potential.
      I will plan for their next steps and make sure they are reaching their targets/goals.
  • How Will You Ensure My Child's Educational Needs And Well-Being Are Met: Yes
    • I will observe and assess your child and track them alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage.
      I will build up a bond with each child and make them feel valued.
  • How Will Both You And I Know That My Child Is Achieving The Agreed Outcomes: Yes
    • We will have regular meetings to see what the child has achieved or to see what needs to be changed or altered to get the outcomes that we need.
  • How Do You Adapt Activities And Resources And The Learning Environment For Children With SEND: Yes
    • Depending on the activity I would offer more support as and when needed and explain and demonstrate more so they can see what is expected of them.
  • How Accessible Is The Early Years Setting Environment, Both Indoors And Outdoors: Yes
    • Yes its very accessible indoors I have a side entrance that goes around the back with no steps. But the back garden is high up and you have to walk up 5 steps.
  • How Will My Child Be Included In Activities Outside The Early Years Setting Including Trips: Yes
    • I will include all children where and when possible so no one is left out. I would make sure someone accompanied the child on the trip to make it more 1:1 on an outing.
  • How Do You Work With External Agencies To Support Children With SEND: Yes
    • I haven’t worked with them since childminding myself but I have done previously in my nurseries I’ve worked at. I would try and work with them to get the desired outcomes for the child.
  • How Do You Support Children Starting And Leaving The Setting: Yes
    • I do home visits if needed, I do settling in sessions and then I do transitions to school and speak to their teacher or new nursery to make the transition smooth.
  • How Are Staff Trained Regarding SEND: Yes
    • All up to date and trained with SEND and do all the refresher courses to keep knowledge fresh.
  • Who Can I Contact If I Have A Compliment, Concern Or Complaint And What Action Can I Expect: Yes
    • You can contact myself or Ofsted (poster on my notice board) and the matter will be resolved within 21 days.
Vacancy Notes:
Not Available