Address:Mather Street Primary School,
Mather Street,
Failsworth, Manchester,M35 0DT
Age Groups:2 years to 5 years
Costs:- £20.00 per day
- £100.00 per week
- £10.00 per session
Schools Visited:Not Available
Provider Availability Dates:Available from 20/08/2020
Daily Session Times:- Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
- Monday: 12:00 - 15:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
- Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
- Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
- Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
- Friday: 12:00 - 15:00
Provider Additional Information:Not Available
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding:Yes
Answered Questions:- How Do You Involve Parents/carers In Identifying SEND: Yes
- Parents/carers are actively involved in their child’s development throughout their journey at Mather Street Pre-School. Parents/carers are encouraged to contribute to their child’s learning. We regularly update parents/carers on their child’s progress through termly parent’s evenings & by feeding back at the end of each child’s nursery day allowing them opportunities to share any concerns that they may have. Opportunities are provided for us to discuss progress, achievements and concerns both formally and informally. Parents/carers have continued access to all the nursery’s policies and procedures, including any information regarding SEND. Parents are also given additional information on agencies & professionals outside of the nursery who will be able to help & support them with their needs such as, SALT drop ins, these are held locally across a variety of districts enabling easy access & POINT which is Parents of Oldham in Touch.
- How Do You Identify Special Educational Needs And Disabilities (SEND): Yes
- "We observe and monitor each child to ensure that they reach age appropriate milestones within the EYFS. Their development is tracked continuously and this documentation identifies any areas of concern, therefore allowing early intervention and any additional support required. We carry out a variety of assessments using the following systems;
- -Individual observations for each child.
- -Graduated approach of Assess-Plan-Do-Review
- -Agreed Outcomes with parents for their child
- -Various intervention tools are used including ASQ questionnaires and Wellcomm screening.
- -We work in partnership with Health Visitors and a 2 year check is conducted between the age of 2yrs and 2yrs 6 months which summarises the child’s learning within all areas of the EYFS."
- How Will You Help Me To Support My Child's Learning And Development: Yes
- We strive to ensure that each child reaches their full potential. Through regular meetings, both formal and informal we hope to provide all relevant information that will empower parents to feel confident that their child is taking the right steps with us at Mather Street Pre-School. We understand the importance that as parents/carers you are the child’s first educators and we pride ourselves in providing opportunities for each child to thrive within the setting using the information passed onto us by yourselves. We hold EYFS meetings for parents to gain knowledge of the curriculum and to help you know what you can do to support your child's learning.
- How Will You Ensure My Child's Educational Needs And Well-Being Are Met: Yes
- We carry out 'in the moment' planning where we follow children's interests and plan activities based on these interests, this ensures positive results and continual teaching of independence. This is also promoted within our daily routines and boundaries set. Where further intervention is required we work alongside parents & outside agencies to ensure that each child reaches their full potential. We as a nursery understand that working together delivers better outcomes.
- How Will Both You And I Know That My Child Is Achieving The Agreed Outcomes: Yes
- Each child has an individual file which the SENCO regularly reviews as well as any support plans or reviews they have had. We will regularly meet with parents/carers and Key Workers. Individual plans and strategies are put in place by the SENCO and parents, and staff are shown how to implement these. Parents/carers will be involved and informed every step of the way to ensure that the individual plans are effective in meeting the individual child's needs. Plans are reviewed every six weeks by the SENCO, parents and other relevant agencies unless earlier intervention is needed.
- How Do You Adapt Activities And Resources And The Learning Environment For Children With SEND: Yes
- We value each child as an individual therefore we have ensured the nursery environment has easy access and is wheelchair friendly, all areas have been carefully planned to enable the setting to accommodate children with additional needs. Activities are easily adapted to be implemented at different heights or floor level ensuring that all children have uninterrupted access to all resources and have the same opportunities. Any specific needs would be addressed on advice from parents or other professionals.
- How Accessible Is The Early Years Setting Environment, Both Indoors And Outdoors: Yes
- The Early Years Environment is accessible in all areas. There is wheel chair access to all rooms within the setting and the outdoor area is wheelchair friendly. We are flexible for any adaptations needed for individual children and will work closely with occupational therapists.
- How Will My Child Be Included In Activities Outside The Early Years Setting Including Trips: Yes
- All areas we visit are carefully selected to ensure the safety, well-being and inclusion of all our children. Facilities and transport are carefully selected to ensure that all children can participate. Ample staff attend our outings.
- How Do You Work With External Agencies To Support Children With SEND: Yes
- Outside agencies may be contacted verbally, written or invited into the setting to assess the children’s developmental needs or attend meetings. We work in partnership to ensure that each child reaches their full potential. Working together brings better outcomes for each child.
- How Do You Support Children Starting And Leaving The Setting: Yes
- "On entry to the setting we offer settling in days and also build relationships with both parents/carers and children. This enables us to gain a good starting point on the children. Transition meetings are held for children who already have outside agencies involved before starting at nursery so that we have good knowledge of the child's needs and interests.
- Transition review meetings will be held to plan transitions for children into schools/other settings. As well as parents/carers and nursery staff these meetings could include Foundation Stage school teachers, school SENCO, receiving setting staff and relevant professionals. All relevant documentation will be shared.
- We do daily transition visits into the school nursery and reception that we are attached to so that the children become familiar with the environment, routine and staff.
- We invite the receiving school/setting to visit us, enabling them to familiarise themselves with and observe the child. This also gives the perfect opportunity for the sharing of information on a personal level. If the need arises that we feel an individual requires extra support within their transition, the nursery will arrange extra transitional meetings with schools. We operate an open door policy and our staff welcome families and professionals to visit our setting. We aim to work together to include any child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities."
- How Are Staff Trained Regarding SEND: Yes
- The SENCO attends regular training, she has attended training of 'The Role of the SENCO' and attends regular network meetings held by OMBC.
- Who Can I Contact If I Have A Compliment, Concern Or Complaint And What Action Can I Expect: Yes
- You can speak to the nursery manager or owner at anytime to discuss any compliments, concerns or complaints. A copy of the complaints policy is available to all parents. We have an open door policy so you can come and speak to us at any time.
Vacancy Notes:Not Available