Important information
Oldham Council has a duty to protect the public funds it administers, to prevent and detect fraud and to ensure information held is accurate and handled with full regard to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. To carry out this duty we may share the information we hold about you where the law allows it, with other sections of the Council, other Local Authorities and other Government agencies for comparison purposes.
Please complete the online school admission application through this website if you pay your council tax to Oldham LA. Otherwise, please apply to the council that you pay your council tax to. You will still be able to apply for Oldham schools using their application. Only one application can be made for any school(s) in any borough. Please see list of neighbouring boroughs below.
Create an account
You need to create an account using the 'Create Account' above. After you have created your account you can view or amend your preferences by using the Login link.
School preferences
Once the school preferences have been created, the Council can view them. At the end of the admissions period, the Council will begin allocating school places to children based on the information supplied in their preferences.
Application submission
You must submit your application by pressing the 'Submit' button. If you do not do this, the application will not be sent to the Local Authority and you will not have applied for a school place.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as you press 'Submit'. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, please contact the Admissions Team on 0161 770 4213.
After you have pressed the 'Submit' button you must not use the 'Back' button on your web-browser, as this will 'un-submit' your application.
Dates to remember: New Academic Year - 2024/25
Neighbouring Authorities' School Admissions Links
Using a tablet/smartphone? Access the menu items including the 'Create Account' and 'Login' links using the menu in the top right hand corner.